Whether you’re male or female, a certain amount of hair loss on a daily basis is healthy. In fact, most people lose about 50-100 strands of hair on a daily basis. This may sound like a lot, but there is generally new hair waiting to regrow as soon as one strand falls out — this is the mark of healthy hair follicles.
However, when the hair follicle dies off, this is when substantial and noticeable hair loss begins to take place. One of the most common causes of this is alopecia, but there are several other issues that contribute to hair loss.
So, what does hair loss treatment involve and what should you know? This blog outlines some key realities.
What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women?
In men and women alike, one of the most common causes of premature hair loss is androgenic alopecia. In men, this is often referred to as male pattern baldness. Much of the time, this condition has an underlying genetic cause.
However, aside from this condition, there is a myriad of reasons for early onset hair loss, such as:
- Major nutrient deficiencies in the diet
- Psoriasis of the scalp
- Alopecia areata — a condition that occurs when your immune system starts to attack your hair follicles
- Trichotillomania — a psychological condition that centers on uncontrollable urges to pull out your hair
- Anagen effluvium — this is an abnormal form of rapid hair loss, usually due to medications or cancer treatment
- Telogen effluvium — stress-induced hair loss causes by a major life event
Aside from the above conditions, your lifestyle can also play a major role in the health of your hair. If you deal with prolonged amounts of stress, this can cause premature hair loss. Hormonal disruptions in both men and women can also induce hair loss, as well as your diet, excessive drinking, smoking, and abusing drugs.
What To Know About PRP Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Honest Facts
If over-the-counter or prescribed hair loss medications and treatments just aren’t working for you, you’re probably considering PRP therapy for hair loss. Here’s what you need to know about this innovative treatment:
- You Must Visit a Dermatologist First
No matter what your hair loss looks like, the first person you want to consult is a dermatologist. This is so that they can properly diagnose the type of hair loss you have and what the underlying cause could be.
They may be able to best advise on the treatment you should go for, before spending money on PRP therapy. So make sure to get the all-clear from them first before you sign up for this treatment.
- PRP Therapy Is Not Dangerous
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is one of the most popular options on the market today for all forms of hair loss in both men and women. It’s not as complicated or scary as it sounds — it’s a simple, three-step process.
Basically, a therapist draws your blood, extracts the platelet-rich plasma, and then injects this into your scalp at the site of hair loss. The overall premise of PRP therapy is that it triggers natural hair growth in the area by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. It also serves to thicken the hair shaft so that the hair becomes stronger.
- There Are Some Side Effects To Be Aware Of
Due to the fact that you’re injecting your own blood, and no one else’s into your scalp, there’s no risk of contracting any form of communicable disease. However, there are still some risks associated with PRP therapy:
- You could damage blood vessels or nerves in the scalp
- There is a small risk of infection at the injection sites
- The is a risk of calcification at the injection sites
- You could develop some scar tissue across your scalp
This being said, all of these risks are quite minimal and not very common with PRP therapy. But like any other medical procedure, you should always have a good idea of what risks you could face.
- Not Everyone Is Suitable For PRP Therapy
The reality is that not all people are good candidates for this type of therapy — as with most innovative therapies on the market today. Before you sign up for PRP therapy, you want to let the therapist know about any medications or supplements you’re taking.
Generally, you may not be a good candidate for PRP if:
- You are taking blood-thinning medication on a regular basis
- You are a heavy smoker
- You have a history of drug abuse
- You are currently undergoing cancer treatment
- You have some form of liver disease
- You live with any form of skin condition, i.e. psoriasis
- You have platelet dysfunction syndrome
- You struggle with any form of blood clotting disorder, such as hemophilia
You also need to catch your loss before it’s too far gone. If you’ve lost too much hair and have extensive follicle damage, PRP therapy may not be a successful option for you.
- PRP Therapy Can Be Pricey
It’s no secret that any type of innovative therapy comes at a price. While PRP therapy is not unaffordable, it’s still on the pricier end of the spectrum. To add to this, one PRP therapy session is not enough to make a substantial difference. You might have to undergo treatment over a 4-6 week period, as well as maintenance treatments every few months.
You can expect to pay anywhere from $1,500-$3,500 for the first three treatments. Otherwise, one PRP injection costs an average of $400 or more. The cost of this type of treatment also depends on a few factors. This includes your geographic location, the extent of your hair loss, and the addition of nutritive components to your treatment.
Unfortunately, PRP hair loss treatment is not usually covered by insurance as it’s viewed as a cosmetic procedure.
Get Your Health in Check With Our Daily Updates
While PRP hair loss treatment is not always guaranteed to be successful, it does show promising results for most people who have chosen this form of therapy. It’s always important to go in with an informed decision when making choices about your health — hair loss treatment should be no different.
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