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Health & Beauty7 Healthy Habits To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

7 Healthy Habits To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

Cancer is, indeed, a life-threatening and unpredictable disease. It brings a person to their knees and kills them slowly. But despite all the scary stuff that’s been said about cancer. What if you could stop it before it even begins to crawl into your cells? According to various experts, the majority of cancers are preventable. How? Well, the idea is quite simple: adopting a healthy lifestyle. A few changes to your habits and lifestyle can result in a tremendous boost in your body and lower the risk of developing many forms of cancer.

Now, you may have heard that smoking is pretty much the primary cause of cancer. That is true, but many other bad habits can increase cancer risk. Thankfully, we’ve piled up a list of all the good things you can do with your body to level up your health. And yes, the following tips may sound familiar, but adapting to them using the “one day at a time” approach can help you form a shield against cancer. So here they are:

1. Be aware of your environment

If you didn’t know already, cancer is caused by specific genes that change how our body cells work. A few of these changes occur when DNA is simulated during cell division. These exposures may include substances, such as asbestos that causes mesothelioma, tobacco that causes lung cancer, and so on. But through proper inspection, knowing what is present on your worksites, and a little self-control, you can avoid such substances from taking your life.

2. Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI)

Obesity is linked to various health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. But you may not be aware that it also raises the chance of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer. Experts believe that fatty tissue might disrupt the equilibrium of certain hormones, contributing to tumor formation. Don’t put off starting a healthy weight-loss program if you’re obese or overweight. Reducing your waistline also lowers your risk of cancer.

3. Consume nutritious foods

Non-starchy veggies (think spinach, cucumbers, carrots, and broccoli) and fruits may help prevent oral, stomach, and esophageal cancers. And fruit may also help prevent lung cancer. Processed meats, such as most hot dogs, lunch meats, and bacon, increase the risk of colorectal cancer. However, the link between cancer and red meat such as veal, beef, and lamb is unclear. Still, it’s best to limit your red meat consumption to about 18 ounces per week for various health reasons.

4. Protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV), have been associated with various malignancies, among other issues. You can reduce your risk of contracting these infections by taking precautions, such as the following:

  • Aside from avoiding having sex, the best protection is to be in a committed, steady relationship with someone who does not have a sexually transmitted virus.
  • For other scenarios, always use a condom and adhere to safe-sex practices.
  • Never assume that your partner has a condom. Be ready at all times.

5. Get screened

Cancer detection in its earliest, most diagnosable stages is the next best thing to prevention. Screening tests include mammograms for breast cancer and PSA testing for prostate cancer. Some tests can also detect precancerous adjustments and treat them before they become cancerous (such as colonoscopies for colorectal cancer and Pap smears for cervical cancer). Maintain a regular screening schedule and notify your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

6. Get Enough Vitamin D 

Vitamin D, which is mainly obtained by sun exposure, serves various functions in the body. While calcium is frequently promoted as a bone-building supplement, it cannot operate without vitamin D, which aids in its absorption. There’s also proof that those with higher vitamin D levels have a lower risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Are you unsure of your vitamin D level? A simple blood test can tell your doctor if you’re on the right track or not. Because vitamin D is not widely contained in many foods, they may prescribe vitamin D supplementation if your levels have dropped.

7. Exercise regularly 

It isn’t new —you already know you should exercise! But did you know that physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of certain forms of cancer? Regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer, reproductive cancers, and breast cancer. However, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight can help you prevent cancers of all types. That equates to less than 22 minutes per day! What exactly is moderate exercise? It’s anything that raises your heart rate and provokes you to burn more calories than you would if you sat. Do you want to get more bang for your buck? Increase the force of your workouts—if you exercise vigorously, you only need 75 minutes per week to meet the required standard.


By adhering to these healthy guidelines and sticking to a proper medical regime and exercise routine, you may be able to minimize your risk of cancer significantly. However, more education and research are underway to enhance health habits in citizens worldwide. Until we learn more, pay heed to the above-said tips and slam cancer in the face.

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