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TravelBeach Clean Up Tips & Ideas: San Diego Edition 

Beach Clean Up Tips & Ideas: San Diego Edition 

If you want to give back to the community and get some outdoor time, consider organizing a beach clean up. San Diego is home to a multitude of pretty beaches that could benefit from beach clean ups. Hosting a volunteer beach clean up is a great activity for people of all ages and families. Here are some ideas to help get started with a San Diego beach clean up.

Focus on One Location

The first decision to make for this type of activity is which beach you want your group to focus on. Try scouting out possible beach locations for a clean up by taking a private boat ride along the coast. Before heading out to do a beach clean up, make sure you have permission to organize a trash clean up event at the beach. Some public beaches may already have scheduled beach clean ups set on a schedule, or a company may have organized a sponsored beach clean up for a particular location.

Reach Out for Volunteers

After securing a location and getting permission to clean up the beach, you’ll need to recruit volunteers. Reach out to friends and family first and then spread the word through your neighborhood. Advertise your beach clean up online and aim to get locals involved in the effort. 

Stock Up on Protective Gear

Participating in a beach clean up can be a messy affair, and it can also expose volunteers to bacteria and other harmful substances. Before taking your crew out to clean up and explore tide pools San Diego, stock up on protective gear, such as gloves, grabbers, sunscreen and extra masks. 

Bring Supplies 

Besides protective gear, beach clean up organizers also need to bring supplies to collect trash and other debris. Plastic grocery store bags work well since they are plentiful and lightweight for individual volunteers. Larger trash bags or big recyclable clear bags are also essential to have a central collection point for garbage.

Have a Plan for Waste Removal  

Once your group has collected all of the debris off of the beach, you’ll also need to decide what to do with everything after the clean up is over. Recycling can be brought to a local recycling center in San Diego. Bags of garbage are also able to be brought to the city’s landfill. Check the location of the beach spot to determine which landfill is closest to the area. 

Delegate Responsibilities   

Throughout the experience, it’s also important to divide up the tasks and clean up areas between all of the volunteers so the effort is more efficient. Assign one or two volunteers at a sign in tent at the beginning of the event and give each new arrival a spot to focus on. 

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Acknowledge Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services

Document Your Day

The last tip to make a beach clean-up in San Diego Edition more successful is to document everything. Take plenty of pictures of the process, especially before and after snapshots. Post your efforts online to social media to promote taking care of San Diego’s gorgeous coastline. 

Help protect the geography and wildlife in the San Diego edition by organizing a beach clean-up. Your beach clean-up effort will be more successful if you follow these tips.

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