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NewsEvents4 Easy Ways to Protect Your Canopy Tents from Heavy Winds

4 Easy Ways to Protect Your Canopy Tents from Heavy Winds

If your company regularly participates in marketing events or trade shows, you will need high-quality brand promotion tools. After all, the aim of attending such events is to highlight your brand name. The most effective way of promoting small businesses at such events is using custom canopy pop-up tents.

These tents are cost-effective, easy to assemble, and easily customizable. Business owners can use them multiple times at different events for several years. However, these tents have one major enemy – wind. A strong gust of wind can uproot your tent and ruin your marketing plans.

The golden rule of marketing for small businesses is to never stop promoting your brand, even when times get tough. So, what can marketers do when strong winds pose threats to their custom tents? Here’s the detailed guide.

How Much Wind is Too Much for Pop-Up Tents?

Although pop-up canopy tents aren’t specifically designed to withstand strong winds, they’re still quite strong. These tents can easily deal with mild breezes. Unless the wind speed exceeds the 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) mark, there’s no cause for concern. Once the winds start becoming stronger than that, marketers must prepare accordingly.

Here are four steps to protect your canopy tent in the face of strong winds.

  1. Set Up the Tents in Safe Locations
  2. Use Anchors
  3. Get UV Protection
  4. Know When to Leave the Site

Set Up the Tents in Safe Locations

The best way to protect tents on windy days is by placing them in safe locations. Before setting up your tent, assess the following factors –

  • Learn how strong the winds will be on the days you use the tent.
  • Learn what directions the winds are expected from.
  • Place the tents behind walls. The walls will act as windbreakers and reduce the amount of wind pressure that your tents are subjected to.

If your location is experiencing sudden gusts of wind (exceeding the 48 kilometers per hour mark), take additional protection steps. Tents can handle continuous winds. However, sudden gusts of wind can uproot them and send them flying.

Use Anchors

The stronger the tent’s frame and base, the likelier it is to resist wind. That’s why anchoring custom tents is very important. Attach strong anchors at the feet of the tents. You can purchase canopy tent anchors as optional accessories from your tent sellers. They’re very useful tools for people who use custom tents frequently.

Get UV Protection

A tent that’s UV resistant is likelier to be more wind resistant. That’s because UV-resistant tent materials are far more durable than regular fabrics. Strong, durable materials like vinyl or PVC remain stable in extreme weather conditions. Also, pick reputable tent sellers who only offer these high-quality tent materials.

Know When to Leave the Site

Tent owners can take plenty of steps to protect their items from wind damage. But, when the winds become too strong, there’s no option but to exit the site. Users must keep a close eye on how their tents are reacting to the gusts of wind. If their stability and wind resistance are deteriorating, take them inside. Don’t allow harsh gusts of wind to damage your custom tent permanently.

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