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TechHow To Transfer Your Internet Service When You Move

How To Transfer Your Internet Service When You Move

Finding a new home or apartment is exciting! But for many it can also bring up dreadful and stressful feelings about moving. No one likes unexpected tasks to do, additional moving expenses, or transferring all their services but they often come up during the moving process. Here is how you can avoid transferring your internet service stress free.

Do Your Research

Before you start moving in, find out what internet providers are available at your new address. Will your current internet provider service your new home? Is there another internet provider that has better speeds or a better rate you’d be more interested in? If you’re happy with your current internet provider or not, your current provider might not be available at your new address even if you’re only moving across town. Be prepared to choose a new provider or a different plan depending on what’s available or an internet service near you. Also, read the internet review of the list of the internet provider that you are eyeing to know more about there services.

Things You’ll Need To Know To Transfer Your Internet Service

Before you move into your new home or apartment, you’ll need a few pieces of information to transfer your internet service as soon as you can access your new home. Collect these pieces of information to start the transfer process:

  • Your current address
  • The address you’re moving to
  • When do you want service started at your new location
  • When do you want service stopped at your existing location
  • What services you would like at your new location

Know The Fees

Unfortunately, it’s not always free for you to transfer your internet service to a new address. Here are some one-time fees you might incur on your next monthly bill:

  • Transfer fee up to $50. If your internet provider charges a transfer fee, unfortunately they’re unavoidable unless you choose a new internet provider.
  • Installation fee up to $100. Installation options will vary from internet provider, internet technology and what service your home has had in the past. In many instances this fee can be avoided if there’s a self-install option available.
  • Early termination fee up to $500 if you move somewhere where your current internet provider doesn’t service. Even though this isn’t your fault, you’ll still be held liable for early termination fees.

Carefully Pack Up Your Equipment

While you’re packing up your home, carefully pack up your modem, router and any other equipment you have through your provider. We recommend that you pack it all in a separate box, label it and set it aside to take it on your first trip moving your belongings. Your installer will need the equipment you’ve been using to install service at your new address. If you’re subscribing to a new internet provider, you’ll need to return their equipment to a local retail store or ship it to the address their customer service department gives you in a timely manner. If you don’t return it or return it past the agreed upon allotted time, you will get charged hefty equipment fees.

Call Your Internet Provider

Once you’re ready with all your information, now it’s time to call your internet provider. Schedule a convenient time for an installer to come to your new home to install internet service. We recommend blocking out extra time before and after your installation time just in case your installer is late or there’s a problem with the installation that will require more time and effort on your installer’s behalf.

Be There For The Installation Appointment

It’s normal to have a lot on your plate while you’re moving. However, you’ll need someone at your new address that is 18 years old or older to be present for the installation. If there isn’t, your internet provider won’t be able to install service and you may find yourself without internet until another installer can come back out to your new home.

Test Your New Internet Connection

So, your installer has arrived and installed your internet service. Before your installer leaves your property, test your new internet connection. Your installer will check your internet connection to make sure it’s working, it’s a good idea to check it yourself so you’re happy with the quality of service before they leave. If you wait until after they leave to call your internet provider, you may find yourself waiting longer than you anticipated for quality internet service.

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