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Health & BeautyFactors Affecting the Recovery Time from Addiction

Factors Affecting the Recovery Time from Addiction

Drugs alter how the brain functions, making addiction a disease of the brain. Even when they want to stop, drug addicts cannot do it. Although drug addiction is treatable when they undergo therapy in treatment facilities such as Impact Recovery Center Atlanta, recovery may take time, sometimes a lot. Additional or alternative treatment is necessary for someone to stop using drugs once more after relapsing. For example, some drugs like benzodiazepine require a medically supervised detox to beat the addiction safely. You can find a benzodiazepine treatment center in Lawrence, Massachusetts. A person’s environment can also affect the duration of their recovery. It includes genetics, family, and stigma. For example, if the person grew up in a home where drug and alcohol use was common, he is likelier to have an alcohol addiction.


Stigma is a negative perception that surrounds substance use disorders. It can negatively impact a person’s self-esteem and relationships. It can also hinder a person’s ability to seek addiction treatment. It, in turn, can contribute to the high incarceration rates, death, and mental health issues associated with addiction.

To overcome the negative stigma, a person in recovery must develop a healthy mindset and effective coping strategies. Although recovery is a long process, it is essential to maintain a positive attitude. It includes overcoming difficult childhood experiences, relationship issues, and mental health disorders. In addition, educating the public and the community about substance use disorders can help reduce the negative connotations of addiction.


Discrimination against people with addiction-related disabilities is illegal. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers and service providers cannot withhold services because of an individual’s mental health condition. Moreover, these institutions must ensure that the organizations they provide are free of discrimination. These institutions are subject to penalties if they violate the Code intentionally or unintentionally.

While this may not seem like a big issue at first, discrimination against those in recovery is a real problem. It hinders the ability to receive treatment and maintain recovery. In addition, it can negatively impact the ability to obtain and maintain jobs. Nevertheless, those in recovery are doing a brave thing and need access to treatment, housing, and social support.


Addiction has an enormous impact on a person’s family. Families often take on financial responsibility for the addict. They may allow a child to live with them while they’re trying to “get back on their feet.” They may pay for legal fees or post bail in case of legal trouble. Family members who have been affected by the addict’s addiction are often left feeling frustrated and angry. Addicts’ lack of inhibitions can cause them to lash out at those closest to them.

Children living in a family where one parent is an addict face unique difficulties. They may feel responsible for the addict’s behavior and wonder what went wrong. They may even take on an overbearing role in the family, resulting in unhealthy dependence. Parents may support their children financially in hopes that their children will turn around and avoid becoming an addict.


Researchers are trying to figure out if there are genetic differences in addiction that may increase or decrease the recovery time for certain individuals. First, they compare the DNA sequences of family members with substance use disorders to those who do not. They then look for segments of chromosomes that are more common among affected individuals and narrow the search to specific genes. In-depth studies often use animals in a laboratory setting. Addiction is a complex trait that is affected by multiple genes and environmental factors.

In addition, there may be an influence of childhood trauma on a person’s susceptibility to addiction. Exposure to high levels of stress and trauma in early life has increased the risk of addiction. 


Routine is a valuable tool to improve your recovery from addiction. It establishes a regular rhythm and helps the mind and body predict when to rest, eat, or exercise. Without a routine, you might get overwhelmed and procrastinate. A routine also prevents you from getting bored, a common relapse trigger. It also ensures that you have regular socialization.

When a person is in the preparation stage, they aim to change their lives and are committed to sobriety. They might start attending meetings, joining a gym, and seeking professional help to help them stay clean. They might also try to quit on their own. However, if triggers arise, they jump back into the contemplation stage.

Belief in the Ability to Overcome Challenges

In addiction recovery, believing in one’s ability to overcome challenges can be a huge factor in the recovery period from addiction. However, the ability to overcome challenges is not the only factor affecting the length of time it takes to recover from addiction. Self-efficacy is a psychological concept that refers to the belief in one’s own ability to overcome a challenge. While this may seem like a small thing, it is vitally important. Addiction recovery is not an easy process, and every day that a person is clean is a day that a person can feel stronger and more confident.

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